Schaumburg, IL Substance Abuse Treatment Resources

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Illinois is the fifth-largest state in the country. Chicago is the third-largest city in the country. And two-thirds of the population of Illinois is concentrated in Cook County and the six “collar” counties that surround it (the Chicago metropolitan area). 

Chicago is a distribution center for both legal and illegal commodities in the Great Lakes Region due to its location and transportation substructure. Chicago is the largest trucking center in the nation, which makes it a focal point for the flow of drugs into the Great Lakes Region and throughout the Midwest.

Drug & Alcohol Residential Treatment Center

Opioid Crisis in Illinois

The opioid crisis in Illinois has revealed itself in the form of several public health problems. A study of the extent of the problems shows evidence of the seriousness of the opioid crisis. Like many states, Illinois has experienced a sizable increase in overdose deaths, and they are mainly blamed on opioid overdose fatalities. Of the 2,278 statewide drug overdose deaths in 2016, over 80% were opioid-related.

In 2016 the Illinois Department of Public Health reported a 44% increase in drug-related overdose deaths than were reported in 2013. It is also an increase of 32% of the opioid-related deaths reported in the previous year.

The number of Emergency Medical Services runs that required the administration of Naloxone three times increased by 75%. Naloxone is a medication designed to reverse an opioid overdose in emergency situations quickly. The increase is attributed to the presence of fentanyl and other synthetic opioids in the substances being used.

Other Drug Threats

The type of drug threat in Illinois varies by region. The main threat to the Northern District of Illinois is:

  • The availability, distribution, and abuse of powdered and crack cocaine.
  • The increasing availability of high purity heroin and the number of new users.
  • Marijuana is the most easily available and most abused drug in Illinois.
  • Methamphetamine and production are expanding into rural areas from adjacent states.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health in Cook County, Illinois

If you think there isn’t a problem swirling around you, check these facts from where you live.

  • A survey of teens from 8th to 12th grade was done by the National Institute of Health and National Institute on Drug Abuse. Their results showed a 30% increase from 2017 to 2018 of vaping in all grades. For marijuana smoking, there was a 32% increase over that past year. The increase in alcohol drinking was 19%, and the increase for illegal drugs other than marijuana was 30%.
  • Among new and noteworthy drugs, synthetic cannabinoids remained common in NFLIS (National Forensic Laboratory Information System), which has documented 13 varieties. Illinois encountered a major episode of people experiencing severe bleeding, including four deaths, following recent use of synthetic cannabinoids.
  • In the Chicagoland area, 796 people died from an opioid-related overdose in 2017. That is more than the number of people who died from either traffic accidents or gun-related homicides that year.
  • The 500 Cities Project, a survey done by the CDC, found that binge drinking in Schaumburg, Palatine and Arlington Heights ranked among the top 10 highest binge drinking cities in the U.S.
  • One in five residents in Illinois is diagnosed with a mental disorder every year.
  • The rate of adults, 18 and over, who have had a major depressive incident is 6.1%. 
  • Using the federal definition and methods for evaluating the predominance of serious mental illness, it was estimated that more than 526,000 adults in Illinois had a serious mental illness in 2012. That is 5.4% of the adult population.
  • “Serious emotional disorder” is the term for children under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed in the past year with a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder resulting in impairment that interferes with functioning in a family, school, or community activities. Again, using the federal definition is was estimated that nearly 175,000 children and adolescents in Illinois had a serious emotional disorder in 2012. 

What’s Your Situation?

It is time to consider your situation or that of the person close to you who may be one of those statistics listed above. It’s important to remember that, even though you may be part of the statistics, you are a unique individual with your own needs and requirements. 

In case you are thinking that going it alone, “cold turkey,” is a suitable solution, I can tell you it is not. You may be able to get through withdrawal, but the chance of long-term recovery is very slim. You need to realize that addiction is a chronic brain disease, and, like any other disease it takes time and continuous monitoring to deal with it.

First, you will need an assessment by a qualified medical professional to discover which level of care is the best and most practical place for you to start. Consider these issues and discuss them with a professional.


If you have been dependent on a substance or substances for a long time and your tolerance continues to increase, you will most probably need a detox. Most people do. A medically supervised and assisted through medications is the best way to get the addictive substance out of your body. Withdrawal symptoms can be very painful, emotionally and physically. You will need 24-hour monitoring and medication in some cases.

Co-occurring (Comorbid) Conditions

If you have a substance use disorder (SUD) and a co-occurring mental or medical condition, you have a dual diagnosis. This is something you might not even be aware of now, but your initial assessment may reveal your comorbid condition. This might make it necessary for you to live at a medical center or hospital. It doesn’t usually happen but may be needed depending upon how severe your issues are.

Previous Treatment and Relapse

If you have relapsed after completing a treatment program, then you may need a different level of care. Many times, people complete an outpatient program and later relapse. It happens. Perhaps a higher level of care (more restrictive) is needed. Think of it as a modification of treatment which is often done with other diseases.

Severe SUD

If your substance use is seriously harming your ability to function and you have a long history of use, a residential or inpatient program may be your best choice. If you have struggled with quitting and repeatedly relapsed, you need a more structured program. In residential treatment, you live at the facility in a drug-free environment, away from the triggers and distractions that cause a relapse. 

Outside Obligations

If you can’t possibly live away from home, there are outpatient programs that will allow you to live away from the treatment facility. These are more appropriate for people who have less serious SUD and have a supportive group of family and friends. There are, however, some very intensive outpatient programs that offer a high level of care if your problem is severe.

Self-Assessment: Am I Addicted?

Mental Health Treatment in Cook County, IL

Since 2009, certain changes in the state system have had an impact on the CCHHS (Cook County Health and Human Services). The Illinois budget in 2016 included significant cuts to Medicaid and other publicly funded mental health services. This will continue to affect behavioral health services and the people who live with serious mental illness. Some of the effects are:

  • Emergency room visits for people experiencing psychiatric crises increased by 19% from 2009 to 2012.
  • 20- to 60% of incarcerated people have a mental illness.
  • The National Alliance to End Homelessness has estimated that 32% of the 14,144 people who are homeless on any given night in Chicago also have a serious mental illness.

Due to the challenges and opportunities presented, the Illinois legislature has identified seven key priorities for improving and maintaining the public mental health system. The priorities composed the basis for a strategic plan, and they are the following:

  1. Improve access to care.
  2. Reduce regulatory rhetoric.
  3. Maintain financial growth for providers in a cost-effective manner for the state.
  4. Ensure that care is effective, efficient, and appropriate regardless of where it is provided.
  5. Ensure quality of care in all care settings by the use of appropriate clinical outcomes.
  6. Ensure that hospitalizations and institutional care, when necessary, are available to meet demand.
  7. Provide sufficient home- and community-based services to give consumers options in care settings.

Many more newly insured and other people with behavioral health conditions are pursuing care with the CCHSS as a result of the changes. Many of these people were unable to get services in the community and are seeking care through emergency departments.

Detox and Treatment Programs in Schaumburg, Illinois

Footprints to Recovery is a treatment center that offers a broad range of treatment programs and therapy options. By having a variety of options, you and your counselor are able to design a program specifically for you. Programs include:


Detox is not a treatment program on its own. The purpose of detox is to prepare your body for a treatment program. Patients who don’t follow up detox with a rehab treatment typically restart their drug or alcohol use disorder soon after. 

Opioid and alcohol withdrawal causes extreme symptoms such as profuse sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Cocaine and marijuana withdrawal usually presents with emotional issues including depression and irritability. Severe depression can lead to suicidal actions if not monitored.

Withdrawal symptoms can last from a few days to a few months. This is why medically assisted treatment (MAT) is an important part of the detox and may be needed as you enter the treatment program. 

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

This is for patients who need a structured, safe treatment program but don’t need 24-hour medical supervision and assistance. PHP gives you all the benefits of a residential program and some of the convenience of an outpatient program. You will have sessions with your therapists in individual and group therapies. Sessions are generally 6 hours a day for 5 days a week. Medical staff is on hand should it be necessary.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

The intensive outpatient level of treatment is for people who are obligated to carry on other parts of their life. The patient can continue to go to work, attend classes, and attend to family responsibilities while still receiving a high level of care. It also allows you to practice the skills you are learning in therapy in real-life situations. You will attend IOP 3 to 5 days a week, for about 3 hours a day. 

Outpatient Program (OP)

Outpatient is a good starting level for individuals whose SUD is not severe, who don’t have a long history of substance abuse, and have a supportive social network. You typically attend sessions for 3 hours a day, 1 or 2 times a week. 

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Footprints to Recovery is experienced in dual diagnosis treatment. If you have a SUD and co-occurring mental health or physical health issue, they must be treated simultaneously. If they aren’t addressed at the same time, each disorder can cause a relapse in the other.

You and your therapist will decide on any alternative treatments. The ones chosen will depend on how long you have had a SUD and how severe it is. We use a unified system with evidence-based therapies. Some treatments might include:

  • Meditation and mindfulness therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Neurofeedback therapy
  • Experiential therapy

Evidence-Based Therapies Available at Footprints to Recovery in Schaumburg

At Footprints to Recover, we offer a thorough catalog of evidence-based therapy choices. You will work with your counselor to create a program just for you. Most commonly used therapies include:

  • Individual therapy—During individual therapy sessions, you interact with your therapist one-to-one. This helps you take a real look at the choices you’ve made and how they caused the negative outcomes in your life.
  • Group therapy—Group therapy sessions include a group of about 5-15 members and usually 2 therapists. These sessions are designed to hold you accountable for your decisions by the other group members. It promotes discussions about coping skills and relapse prevention methods. This is also a way to build a fellowship with others who are also struggling.
  • Family therapy—Most people with SUD need to mend some fences with family members. And family members need to learn about substance use disorder. In family therapy everyone learns about the interdependent feature of family relationships, and behaviors that might need to be changed.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—This is a short-term, goal-oriented therapy that investigates the differences between what we want to do and what we actually do. An example of that is addiction. The patient learns to focus on behavior and thought patterns (cognition).
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)—This is similar to CBT but it highlights the social and emotional components. DBT helps you cope with unstable or extreme emotions and any harmful behavior that arises from the emotions.
  • Motivational Interviewing—This therapy method helps you find your personal motivation to change. The counselor uses interview techniques to make you more aware of your insecurities, feelings, and personal opinions about your behavior.

You Can Get Sober for Life in Schaumburg, IL

Sobriety is something you will need to work at forever. Footprints to Recover has programs to help you succeed at living a sober life. These programs are immensely valuable in helping you get on with your life and avoid a relapse.

Recovery Homes—This program is also sometimes referred to as independent living or sober homes. Recovery housing is a carefully structured, drug-free environment. All members of the house are required to contribute to the upkeep and do chores. Members usually work at an outside job but report back to the home each day. The recovery home helps you transition from a formal program and into the real world with all its demands.

Alumni Community—The Alumni Community at Footprints to Recovery provides the opportunity for our alumni, friends, and family to get together to provide support for each other. Footprints also promotes community service activities. People who are involved in some type of aftercare are most likely to stay abstinent.

Other Recovery Options in Schaumburg, IL

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)—AA is a 12-step program that has proved to be an effective way to maintain abstinence from alcohol after treatment. Recovering alcoholics discuss their lives and strategies to maintain their recovery. You can find meeting times and places in Schaumburg by checking
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA)—NA is like AA but developed for drug users. There are 73 meeting sites within 20 miles of Schaumburg. You can check for one close to you at
  • SMART Recovery—SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. It is an abstinence-based nonprofit group that provides a self-help program for people with any type of addiction. Meetings are a way for participants to help each other with addiction and recovery issues. You can find a meeting in your area at

Payment Alternatives at Footprints to Recovery in Schaumburg

After deciding to go for treatment, we know that paying for treatment is probably your main concern. It is one of the reasons people put off getting treatment. We have financial advisors at Footprints to Recovery who can work with you to devise a way to get you on the course to recovery. Here are some of the options:

  • Insurance—We accept most major insurance coverage and will work to coordinate with your provider
  • Private pay—If your insurance does not cover the total cost, or if you would rather not use your insurance, we offer flexible payment plans.
  • Financing—Footprints to Recovery has an alliance with Prosper Healthcare who may provide special loan packages for treatment.
  • Medicaid—Anyone in Illinois who is covered by Medicaid can be covered for substance abuse treatment. Medicaid provides insurance for low-income families and individuals, people with disabilities, pregnant women, and the elderly. You can contact the Medicaid call center for rehab locations at 800-304-2219
  • Free Rehab Centers–There are two free rehab centers in Schaumburg, IL, and several more within 25 miles of Schaumburg. You can contact them at 1-800-780-2294.

Schaumburg and the Golden Corridor

Schaumburg holds an unshakeable place in Chicago’s Golden Corridor. The corridor is a stretch of suburbs northwest of the city that is known as a manufacturing and economic powerhouse. There are several Fortune 500 company headquarters. Schaumburg itself is home to more business than any other place in Illinois except for Chicago.

Schaumburg is a village in Cook County and DuPage County in Northeastern Illinois. In 2018, Money magazine ranked the Village of Schaumburg the Best Place to Live in Illinois and 9th-best in the country.

Schaumburg is best known for the Woodfield Mall. The Mall is the second most visited attraction in Illinois and is the Village’s top employer. And if that’s not enough retail, Schaumburg has one of the only two IKEA stores in Illinois.

The Village of Schaumburg was incorporated in 1956, but the history dates back to the mid-19th century when settlers began to arrive from the eastern U.S. and Germany. Many of the German settlers came from Schaumburg-Lippe, a small princely state that is now in Lower Saxony, Germany. In 1850 the township officially became named Schaumburg.      

This is Your Time

Now is the time to make the commitment. Help yourself or someone you care about. Nobody sets out to be addicted to alcohol or drugs. We know that. We can help you get back on the path you initially envisioned. It is never too late.

We have admissions specialists at Footprints to Recovery who are waiting to talk to you 24 hours a day. Contact us here. We can take it from there.    

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Our admissions team is available 24/7 to listen to your story and help you get started with the next steps.

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