I Don’t Want to Go to Rehab

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Going to drug rehab isn’t exactly at the top of anyone’s list of things they want to do, but many times it’s a necessary step toward taking back your life, or even saving your life. You may have several reasons why you don’t want to go to addiction treatment. Many of these reasons are probably excuses tied to myths about addiction or what drug and alcohol rehab is like. Some of the reasons why you don’t want to go to rehab may include:

1. I’m Scared of Detox.

Many people have an inaccurate idea of what detox is like. Hollywood often paints a picture of someone alone in a bare room going through painful withdrawal symptoms without help. That’s simply not the truth. When you go through medical detox at an addiction treatment center, you’re under 24/7 care from health professionals. They use research-backed medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms. While this doesn’t eliminate all discomfort from drug or alcohol withdrawal, it makes it much more comfortable. Detox specialists also regularly monitor your vital signs and make sure you’re safe. You’ll typically have your own room with a bed and other comfortable furnishings.

2. My Substance Abuse Isn’t Bad Enough for Drug Rehab.

If your drug or alcohol use even has you wondering about addiction treatment, it’s time to take a closer look. Same goes for loved ones or employers who’ve confronted you about drug and alcohol use. If people are noticing your substance use and questioning whether you have a drug or alcohol addiction, chances are there’s reason for concern.

Maybe you think just because you don’t drink or use drugs every day, you don’t have a substance use disorder. Perhaps you point to the fact that you can hold a job, go to school, or manage family and personal obligations as a reason why you don’t need help. The reality is, left untreated, addiction gets worse. Repeated drug and alcohol abuse changes how your brain functions, and you’re going to need to keep increasing substance intake to get the desired effect, or even worse, to stave off withdrawal symptoms. Not to mention, the long-term impact of drug and alcohol misuse is eye-opening.

Depending on the substance, amount, how long you’ve been using it, and your individual make-up, drug and alcohol abuse can lead to:

  • Stroke
  • Cancers
  • Liver diseases
  • Injuries
  • Chronic pain
  • Hepatitis C
  • HIV (through needle sharing)
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Overdose
  • Death

Alcohol abuse and drug addiction come in many forms. For instance, maybe you’re misusing prescription medications. Perhaps you’re only engaging in “heavy” drinking or recreational drug use occasionally. Regardless of the situation, substance abuse can alter your perception of the situation. While things may not be “that bad,” history tells us that with continued drug and alcohol abuse things tend to get worse before they get better. If you’re contemplating whether you need addiction treatment, the best thing you can do is get an assessment from a professional.

3. I Can’t Afford Addiction Treatment.

The cost of drug and alcohol rehab is a concern for many people. The truth is addiction treatment may be more affordable than you think. Most insurances have a behavioral health component that may pay for treatment fully or partially. Medical detox is considered a medical necessity by most insurances and should be covered. Insurance coverage for substance abuse varies by provider and state.

The best way to determine the cost of drug rehab is to verify your insurance coverage through the addiction treatment center. For instance, Footprints to Recovery offers free insurance benefit checks. We work directly with your provider to understand exactly what is covered and out-of-pocket costs and relay all that information to you.

If you don’t have insurance or your insurance doesn’t cover drug rehab, there are other options. Some treatment centers offer payment plans for self-pay clients. You can also consider a lower level of care. For instance, maybe your insurance doesn’t cover residential treatment, but may offer some coverage for outpatient treatment or intensive outpatient treatment. Finances need not stand in the way. There are ways to get the help you need.

4. I Can’t Take Time off Work or School.

The thought of taking time off work for alcohol or drug rehab can feel overwhelming. You may worry that your job will be in jeopardy if you do so, and of course there’s the financial concerns of not collecting a paycheck while you’re away. You should know that there are laws that prevent employers from firing you for taking a leave of absence to get this kind of help. The fact is, not getting help now may cost you your job down the road anyway.

5. I Can’t Take Time Away from Family.

It’s not easy to carve out this time for yourself, but it is going to help you and your family in the long run. Ask yourself if you’re really there for your family in ways you’d like to be right now. Sacrificing a short amount of time for addiction treatment can create monumental, lasting positive change in your life. If inpatient drug rehab isn’t doable, consider outpatient rehab, which usually has day and evening hours, so you can maintain work or family obligations.

All in all, it’s a worthy debate that ultimately your life will ‘remain on hold’ if you’re not seeking positive change. Why worry about putting life on hold when your life will perpetually be on hold while battling substance abuse? Try and do some positive thinking, imagine what living life clearly without being in active addiction will do for your physical, mental, and overall health. This is the time to rally your resources and loved ones to help with family and other responsibilities, so you can get the help you need to make a better life for all of you.

6. I Can Handle This on My Own.

Quitting drug and alcohol abuse on your own is extremely difficult once you’ve developed a chemical dependency. Some people find they can quit for a little while, but the cravings and withdrawal symptoms continue to drive them back to their addiction. The other problem is that until you address the underlying reasons why you’re abusing substances, the urge to use them to cope with your struggles will be almost unbearable.

Professional substance abuse treatment helps you identify the underlying reasons behind your addiction. It helps you develop healthy coping skills and learn a new way of life that can be more fulfilling. You may have co-occurring disorders like depression or anxiety that require behavioral therapy and medication. Perhaps you have a history of trauma or maladaptive relationships that trigger drug and alcohol abuse. An addiction treatment program helps these challenges lessen their hold on you.

Maybe the most important reason to attend an addiction recovery program is because the statistics don’t lie. According to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), over 20 million people have a substance use disorder. There are more disabilities, illnesses, and deaths due to substance use than any other preventable health condition. One in four deaths can be attributed to smoking, prescription drugs, or alcohol. Don’t become a statistic.

If Your Loved One Won’t Go to Drug Rehab

If you’re reading this because you love someone who’s addicted to drugs or alcohol, there’s help, and hope. While you can’t force an adult to go to addiction treatment, there are a number of things you can do to help them help themselves. These include:

  • Setting healthy boundaries – When you don’t support your loved one’s behaviors by giving them money, bailing them out of trouble, making excuses for them, or letting them live in your home or drive your car when they’re in active addiction, you help them, and you. These are enabling behaviors and they can keep your loved one stuck in their addiction because they have no motivation to get help. Putting up these loving boundaries allows you to support them without supporting their drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Get professional help – If you’ve tried speaking to your loved one about their substance abuse to no avail, enlist the help of an interventionist. A professional can help you have a persuasive, loving, productive conversation about addiction treatment that remains respectful and doesn’t put your loved one on the defensive. Here at Footprints to Recovery, we’re here 24/7 to help. Give us a call to discuss your situation, and we’ll work together to figure out a solution.
  • Take care of yourself – Dealing with a loved one’s addiction can take over your life. You can let self-care go by the wayside and find yourself in a perpetual cycle of stress, worry, depression, and anxiety. Get help for yourself. A therapist can help you sort through emotions tied to the situation and make sure you’re maintaining good mental health. Support groups for loved ones of addicts can also help. Find an Al-Anon and CoDA are examples of two.

Live Life Beyond Addiction

There’s a better life out there that doesn’t involve the struggle of drug and alcohol abuse. Get the help you need to live the life you deserve. We can help. Contact us for a free, confidential consultation.


  1. https://www.drugabuse.gov/news-events/nida-notes/2017/10/substance-use-disorders-are-associated-major-medical-illnesses-mortality-risk-in-large-integrated
  2. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/benefits-leave/fmla
  3. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt29393/2019NSDUHFFRPDFWHTML/2019NSDUHFFR090120.htm
  4. https://www.drugabuse.gov/drug-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rate
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