Tips for Having a Sober 4th of July

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Independence Day, also referred to as the 4th of July or July 4th, is an American Holiday primarily celebrated with barbecues, fireworks, flags, and … alcohol. This patriotic holiday is often seen as a time to gather with family and friends to celebrate freedom. However, for those in recovery, it is yet another holiday that challenges their sobriety. No matter where you are in your sobriety, you can have a fun, sober 4th of July​!

10 Tips for a Sober 4th of July

The 4th of July is a time for celebration and coming together with friends and family. However, for those in recovery from addiction, this holiday can also be filled with triggers and challenges. With alcohol being such a prevalent part of 4th of July celebrations, it’s important to have a plan in place to stay sober.

Here are some tips for having a fun and sober 4th of July:

1. Celebrate your Freedom from Substance Abuse

Addiction threatens freedom in one of the most basic senses, freedom to pursue health and independent living. While America celebrates its freedom, use this holiday as a reminder of yours. Remember your freedom, sobriety, and the fight you fought to get here.

2. Pick your Parties

Don’t let the fear of missing out (FOMO) lead you somewhere that you do not feel safe and supported. You don’t have to attend every party you’re invited to. Surround yourself with friends and family members who are supportive of your sobriety and recovery.

3. Have a Support Buddy

If you’re attending a Fourth of July celebration with alcohol present, have a support buddy or sober companion by your side. This can be someone from your sober support system or a trusted friend who understands and respects your sobriety. Having someone there to encourage and remind you of your goals can be extremely helpful in staying on track.

4. Bring Your Own Non-Alcoholic Drinks

If you’re attending a gathering where alcohol will be served, be sure to bring your own non-alcoholic beverages. This will not only ensure you have something safe and enjoyable to drink, but it will also prevent any potential awkward situations where someone offers you an alcoholic beverage.

5. Lean on your Support System

If you feel pressured to drink, call your sponsor or other support systems, a few words of wisdom can go a long way. If you attend meetings, perhaps plan on going to a few more days leading to, day of, or after the holiday.

6. Have an Exit Strategy

If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable or triggered by the presence of alcohol at a Fourth of July celebration, have an exit strategy in place. Set guidelines for yourself, identify what are high-risk situations ahead of time. This could mean driving yourself so you can leave when you need to, having a friend who can give you a ride home, or even planning to leave early if necessary. Knowing that you have a plan in place can help alleviate any anxiety about being around alcohol.

7. Create New Traditions

If past Fourth of July celebrations involved heavy drinking, consider creating new traditions that don’t involve alcohol. This could include activities like going for a hike, having a picnic in the park, or playing outdoor games with friends and family. By focusing on new activities, you can create positive memories and associations with the holiday that don’t involve alcohol.

8. Attend Sober Events

Many cities offer alcohol-free Fourth of July events, such as firework displays, parades, and festivals. You can also look for local events that are specifically catering to those in recovery. These can include picnics, BBQs, or even AA meetings held on the 4th of July. Surrounding yourself with others who understand the struggles of sobriety can provide a sense of support and camaraderie.

9. Participate in Self-Care

Make sure to take care of yourself during this holiday. It’s important to prioritize your mental and physical well-being while navigating sobriety on the Fourth of July. This could mean taking breaks throughout the day, finding quiet moments for reflection, or indulging in some self-care activities like yoga or meditation.

10. Practice Saying No

This may sound a bit corny, but – just say no. You’re not obligated to explain your situation to anyone, all you have to do is say no. If an individual is persistent or you’re feeling triggered, it might be time for tip number 6.

Have a Sober 4th of July!

By preparing ahead of time, celebrating the Fourth of July without alcohol is possible and can still be just as enjoyable. With these tips, we hope you can have a fun and safe Independence Day without temptations or triggers!

If you or a loved one is struggling with sobriety, Footprints to Recovery provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment services. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help and support during this holiday season.

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