Sara Schapmann
Sara has over a decade of experience writing about behavioral health and addiction. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from The University of Illinois and has written for organizations such as Elements Behavioral Health, LIVESTRONG, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, and Everyday Health. As someone who has seen loved ones struggle with addiction, Sara is passionate about writing content that may help others find their way to recovery.
Latest Articles
- Why Do People Deny That They're Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?
- The 5 Most Addictive Drugs
- Pros & Cons of Narcan
- Can Opioids Cause Pain? What Is Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia?
- Why Is Alcohol Addictive?
- 10 Heroin Overdose Symptoms
- 5 Signs You Use Drugs or Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism
- What Should You Do If Your Boss Is an Alcoholic?
- Foods That Curb Alcohol Cravings
- Is Cross Addiction Real?
- Is Alcoholism Genetic?
- Heroin Relapse: Why Does It Happen & What Are the Signs?
- How an Alcoholic Parent Affects Adult Children
- 10 Signs of Relapse
- Footprints’ Staci Allan Helps Remove Barriers to Mental Health Treatment
Staff Authors
- Pierce Willans
- Paul Sisolak
- Lauren Tropiano, LPC, ACS, CCTP, NCC
- Lisa Tomsak, DO
- Nicole Ehrhardt
- Laurie Hadler, MSW, LCSW
- Frank D. LoRiggio
- Caitlin Simpson
- Footprints to Recovery Editorial Staff
- Adreyanna Harvey, MA, LPC, NCC, EMDR-T, CMIP
- Justin Wolfe, MA, CADC, CRC, PCGC
- William Wilder, BSW, CADC
- Laurie Woodard, MA, LAC, LPC
- Natalie Pflueger, MS, LCPC, CADC, NCC
- Lindsay Hutchison, MS, LPC, LCADC
- Jenna Richer, MSW, LCSW
- Evan Gove
- David Szarka, MA, LCADC