Over a decade ago marijuana wax made its way into the weed scene. This form of marijuana became especially popular with teens and young adults. Marijuana wax goes by several names like:
- Weed wax
- THC wax
- Budder
- Shatter
- Cannabis wax
- Honeycomb
- Ear wax
- Dabs
The concentrated extracts in marijuana wax provide a much more intense high than other forms of cannabis. Marijuana wax is one of the most potent cannabis products. THC levels usually run around 60 to 80%. This makes it much stronger than other cannabis concentrates, which typically range around 17–28% THC levels — and that’s on the higher end. In addition to THC wax, there are CBD forms that don’t get you high.
How Is Marijuana Wax Made?
Marijuana wax is made through an extraction process. Parts of the marijuana plant are heated, extracting the THC and leaving an oily substance, butane hash oil. This is heated again resulting in the wax-like form of the drug. When manufactured illicitly, the process can be dangerous. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) warns of several explosions and fires at THC extraction labs due to the volatile nature of the heating process to make marijuana wax.
How Is Marijuana Wax Consumed?
The most popular way to consume wax is to smoke cannabis wax with something called a dab rig. It’s a water pipe that has a heating chamber that allows you to turn a small dab of wax into a smokeable form. Vaping wax or adding tiny bits of it to a joint or pipe to smoke marijuana is also a common way to use weed wax.
CBD forms of marijuana wax is used for topicals, vaping, and eating. CBD wax goes through a crystallization process instead of the process that would make it psychoactive. Some people think anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory properties are some of the benefits of cannabis wax in CBD form.
What Does Weed Wax Look Like?
As the name implies, marijuana wax looks like wax. It’s goldish, brownish, or yellowish in color. THC wax consistency is often flakey. It can feel soft or like clay. Some forms are gooey, and others are hard and solid. It depends on what form you’re taking it in. Weed wax is distributed in small containers or on wax paper. CBD wax is glassier in look and its finished product comes in many forms like lotions, oils, and lip balm.
How Is Weed Wax Different From Other Marijuana?
Marijuana wax has a much higher level of THC in it than herbal and hash forms. It gives the user an intense high, very quickly. Weed wax goes through a different process than other forms of the drug. THC is extracted from the cannabis plant and undergoes a heating or crystallization process to make the marijuana concentrates into a psychoactive form so you can smoke weed wax, or into a non-psychoactive form that is used by some to help certain ailments.
Is Weed Wax Addictive?
The notion that marijuana isn’t addictive is false. With the movement to legalize marijuana and the drug’s social acceptance, the very real dangers of marijuana are often clouded in the public’s perception. However, like other mind-altering substances, marijuana is still an illicit drug in several states and has a high potential for abuse. Many people develop an addiction to marijuana and require substance abuse treatment to get better.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, weed wax has such high levels of THC that this form of the drug has more potential for abuse and addiction. Inhaling large amounts of THC at once can also increase the risk of dependence and addiction on the drug and can put you at higher risk for negative side effects of marijuana like paranoia, agitation, psychosis, and anxiety.
Do You Need Treatment for Marijuana Addiction?
The lines between marijuana use and marijuana abuse are often blurred. Its growing exposure as an alternative treatment for certain medical conditions has given it a reputation as less harmful than other drugs. Make no mistake about it, marijuana addiction is very real. A large body of research shows that many marijuana abusers develop psychological and physical dependence on marijuana. One national survey on drug use found 4 million people in the U.S. met diagnostic criteria for a marijuana use disorder.
If you’re concerned you or a loved one has an addiction to marijuana, take note of the following signs and symptoms of marijuana abuse.
Marijuana addiction signs include:
- Needing increased amounts or more frequent doses of marijuana to attain the desired effect or to stave off marijuana withdrawal symptoms.
- Unsuccessful attempts to quit marijuana use on your own.
- Marijuana withdrawal symptoms when its use is discontinued, which may include:
- Nervousness
- Irritability
- Anger
- Insomnia
- Depressed mood
- Tremors
- Fever
- Headache
- Chills
- Abdominal pain
- Weight loss
- Decreased appetite
- Marijuana cravings or obsessive thoughts about using marijuana.
- Reduction in normal social or recreational activities due to marijuana use.
- Using cannabis despite negative effects on job, school, relationships, or health.
- Excessive amount of time and energy devoted to obtaining marijuana, using it, or recovering from its effects.
If these marijuana abuse signs are familiar, it’s time to get help. Specialized substance abuse treatment can empower you to get ahead of addiction, learn better coping skills, and discover a healthier way of life.
Looking for Help?
If you or a loved one’s substance use is concerning, reach out to us for a free, confidential consultation. We can chat about your concerns and determine what type of treatment program fits your needs.
- The Problem with the Current High Potency THC Marijuana from the Perspective of an Addiction Psychiatrist – PMC
- Cannabis (Marijuana) | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- Cannabis (Marijuana) Research Report Is marijuana addictive?
- Marijuana Concentrates THC Extractions
- Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables